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436 results:
Fact Sheet - The Vogelsberg in numbers  
The Vogelsberg in numbers  
Fact Sheet  
Largest coherent volcanic area in Central Europe 2,500 km², foothills to Hanau/Frankfurt am Main Ten times the area of Frankfurt am Main Diameter (distribution of volcanic rocks): approx. 60 km* Highest elevation: Hoherodskopf: 764 m (base height level) or Taufstein: 773 m (base height level) Lowest point: Echzell, Grundschwalheim…  
Fact Sheet  
Sources * Hessian Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (2000) ** Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (2009)  
Cause of volcanism - Cause of volcanism  
Cause of volcanism Violent processes initiated the beginning of volcanism in many areas of Europe during the Tertiary period. The geological past of the continent plays just as important a role as the formation of the Alps. Europe's geological history Europe's history spans some 500 million years - an unimaginably long period! The eventful…  
Cause of volcanism  
Literature Ehrenberg, K.-H. & Hickethier, H. (1985). Die Basaltbasis im Vogelsberg. Schollenbau und Hinweise zur Entwicklung der vulkanischen Abfolge. Geol. Jb. Hessen (113), 97–135. Francis P. & Oppenheimer, C. (2004). Volcanoes. Oxford University Press. New York. Nesbor, H.-D. (2014). Der Vogelsberg – Vulkanologische und…  
Phases of volcanism - Phases of volcanism in the Vogelsberg  
Phases of volcanism in the Vogelsberg  
Phases of volcanism  
Phases of volcanism  
The simplified timeline shows the approximate duration of the volcanic phases. Before volcanism, the area of today's Vogelsberg was a flat landscape characterized by rivers and lakes (picture on the left). Today the Vogelsberg is a gentle low mountain landscape (picture on the right). In the upper part the colour coding shows the development of…  
Phases of volcanism - [Translate to Englisch:] Erste vulkanische Phase  
[Translate to Englisch:] Erste vulkanische Phase [Translate to Englisch:] Zu Beginn des Vulkanismus – vor etwa 18 Millionen Jahren – entstand zunächst eine Landschaft mit einer Vielzahl einzelner Vulkane, die sich erst im Laufe der Zeit zu einem geschlossen Vulkanfeld entwickelte. Der Vulkanismus im Vogelsberg begann mit einer ersten Phase…  
Phases of volcanism - Resting phases and in-depth erosion  
Resting phases and in-depth erosion Already in the first volcanic phase there were periods of reduced activity in the Vogelsberg, during which erosion shaped the region. About 17 million years ago the volcanic activity calmed down and the volcanoes, some of which were high towering and made of loose material, were deeply eroded. It is assumed…  
Search results 141 until 150 of 436