Dive into the adventure geopark and experience earth's history and volcanism. The journey into the region's past can be experienced at numerous places in the Vogelsberg. Hesse's fiery past awaits you!
Where does the name Vogelsberg come from?
When the devil on the world once again did his mischief and many stupid things, God quoted him angrily to himself. But even in heaven he behaved so shamefully that he was immediately thrown out again. He fell long and deep but landed softly on the thatched roof of a blacksmith's shop in Herchenhain, and immediately began his malicious activities again. He was greedy for the blacksmith and his soul and promised a lot of money and gold for it.
Since the Herchenhainers did not belong to the richest people, the blacksmith flirted a lot with the gold, but still wanted to keep his soul. He negotiated a delay of three years; the devil should get the soul if he could answer three questions correctly. Time passed quickly, the conscious day came closer and closer. The blacksmith was in despair, but luckily, he met an old female herbalist who told him the right questions.
So, the blacksmith asked the devil what material the pulling rope at the well was made of. The devil said it was made of hemp, but the blacksmith proved that it was a wire rope; he had only wrapped it in hemp. Then he asked the devil for the name of a great bird. When the devil didn't know the answer either, he disappeared from the scene angrily cursing and with an unspeakable stench. The blacksmith received the gold and kept his soul. From then on, the area was called Vogelsberg.
Schneider, A. (2007). Sagenhafter Vogelsberg. Geschichten, Sagen und Geschichte aus dem Vogelsberg – Teil 1.