Hydrogeological zones in the Vogelsberg

The hydrogeology of the Vogelsberg is determined by its geographical location and geological structure.

The Vogelsberg is climatically located in the westerly wind zone. The warm and humid sea air coming from the Atlantic Ocean is rained down on the steep rise of the west side of the Vogelsberg. In the Upper Vogelsberg, this results in abundant precipitation of around 1200 millimetres per square metre and year. The precipitation is transported away by streams and rivers that are arranged radially or circularly around the Vogelsberg. Important rivers are, for example, the Nidda, the Ohm and the Schwalm.

Section through the Vogelsberg

The hydrogeological zone of continuous groundwater saturation, like the zone of floating groundwater levels, is subdivided into differently permeable rock layers. Drilling in the deepest hydrogeological zone shows that hydraulically independent groundwater levels are encountered again and again.


  • Leßmann, B., Scharpff, H.-J., Wedel, A., Wiegand, K. (2000). Grundwasser im Vogelsberg. Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Forsten; Hessisches Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie (Hrsgg.). Wiesbaden.
  • Leßmann, B., Wiegand, K. und Scharpff, H.-J. (2001). Die Hydrogeologie des vulkanischen Vogelsberges. Geologische Abhandlungen Hessen, Bd. 108, Wiesbaden.