Sundial Muecke
Did you know that in Muecke - Atzenhain in the industrial area Gottesrain the biggest sundial in the Vogelsberg can be admired?
The master tiler Gerhard Benna calculated this special timepiece and painted it on the outside wall of his workshop building, measuring 70 square meters. Not only the size of the sundial is impressive, but also the accuracy that is possible with a time reading accurate to the minute. Conventional sundials usually only show hourly intervals.
Benna has invested fifty working days, 24 hours a day, in his work and it took him a year and a half to realize his dream. As a hobby astronomer and a fondness for chronology, he wanted to realize his knowledge of time and the course of the earth around the sun in a special work of art. The watch is open to the public: Siemensstraße 12, 35325 Muecke - Atzenhain directly at the A5 exit Muecke/Homberg-Ohm.